Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tis the Season!

I was totally NOT feeling the Christmas spirit this season.  We've had a tough trying last few weeks, personally and in support of some of our very best friends.  By no means is that a complaint, but just an acknowledgement that we have a lot on our plate.  I think a lot of people do lately.

This past weekend was good for me.  It was crazy busy, but I got some good for the soul time with a number of loved ones.  Although the time was limited, it was still time and totally worth the effort.  On Thursday [Thanksgiving] morning, we loaded up the car and made our first trip to visit my brother and SIL in PA.  It was so nice to see their house and to meet their new additions (2 new kittens) for the first time.  The next morning at 5AM, my mother and I drove to Boston to see my maternal grandmother and the extended family.  It was so nice to surprise her--she had no idea!  The following morning, we made our way back to PA for the night.  On Sunday morning, we ate breakfast, spent a little family QT together, and then made our way back to VA.  Busy, right?!

Seeing the family and the talk of Christmas coming up really put me in the spirit.  As I look at our calendar, December is filled with some very happy occasions--a baby shower, a cookie exchange (yummy!), a Grad party & Graduation, planned dates with the hubby, etc.  And of course, we need to squeeze in some holiday shopping and crafts!!  I've got classes ending and doctors appointments to attend.  The list is never-ending! It's gonna be busy, but it'll be worth it!

I am sooooo excited to say that this year we are going to do our first 'family photo Christmas' card.  When I was younger, I thought they were kinda cheesy, but now I get it!  I'm older and I appreciate the effort to stay in touch with loved ones.  This is a special year for us--a bit personal to share just yet--and we are looking forward to people getting their cards.  We have a certain theme in mind--and we're having a photoshoot this Saturday!  I have a dear friend that is a photographer and she has offered to spend a little time with us to get the shots we want.

Do you do family pictures on your Christmas cards?  I see this as the gateway to one day throwing in the Christmas letter...am I on my way to that?!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Guess who's back / back again!

Allllright!  It has been a MIN-UTE since I've visited my blog! 

We got busy
We moved...twice.  (One was half way across the country.)
We've had a few too many sad passings to grieve.
I went back to school.  6-week and 8-week classes are the devil!
The mister got an awesome job that he is really enjoying.
We've done some traveling.
We've connected again with old friends and made new ones!
We've fought a few medical issues.

...to name just a few things we've grown from since forever ago April.

So, in case you were wondering, I'm back!  And I am going to really try this time with this little corner of the world.  I'm not going to delete my old posts, because it shows my beginning this, but I'm not going to dwell on the fact that I didn't show the pictures I promised.  Maybe they'll show up in later posts when I think of our time in Chicago.  Hmmm, bear with me as I decide what I want my header to say!

Here we go!  Let's toast to fresh starts!

Perfectly back!,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Be the change...

Be the change you want to see in the world.”  --Mahatma Gandhi

How often do you do something nice for someone?  How often do you "Pay It Forward"?

I try to be nice to everyone I meet.  Literally.  People even say to am too nice.  What the hell does that mean anyways?!?  I smile at strangers, open doors for people, help elderly women with their groceries...you get the point.  Why is it that I find that people of my sort are hard to come by these days??  It's very heartbreaking to think that our society is so self-absorbed that we are not nice anymore just because.

Today is my MIL's birthday...yay MIL!  We took her to lunch with my FIL and BIL.  It is a nice little joint (think family diner) that feeds all kinds of people.  Anyways, as the table next to us got up to leave, they passed us some coupons.  Score!  I love me some coupons. 

Believe it or not, I was surprised.  Within the last few years, I have realized that I am in the "nice people" secret society...and it blew me away that two of us in our secret society were in one place at the same time.  That's just unheard of!  It was a sweet, selfless gesture that was done just to be nice.  And it was nice that they made my day, instead of always being the one making someone else's day.

So here we go.  I challenge YOU!  I want you to do something nice for someone everyday.  Just something small even.  Here are a few easy things to get you started:

-Letting someone cut-in in traffic
-Paying for the guy behind you at the coffee shop
-Giving your leftovers to the homeless person at the red light
-Allowing the elderly person or pregnant woman have your seat on the bus/train/wherever
-Tell someone you like their shoes/shirt/bag/haircut/whatever
-Offer to bring dinner over to a neighbor that is going through a difficult time

You get the idea.  Just do something.  Anything.  Maybe if we start treating each other kindly, we'd be happier people all around.  Then, the grumpy ones would be in the minority.

Be the change you want to see in the world.”  --Mahatma Gandhi

Perfectly put the Gandhi quote in there twice,

Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm Not Dead Yet

Gotta love the P!nk Reference in the title, huh?!  I love her music and her "take me as I am or back the F off" attitude.  No, this post is not about one of my favorite chicks.  It's just been a minute since you have heard from me [again.  sorry!].

I still want to share some photos from February (i.e. my birthday/the Chicago blizzard), but I can't seem to find the camera cord.  I'm hoping it hasn't been packed yet.  Speaking of which...

Our life has been cRaZy lately...and it's only going to get crazier.  We have stopped saying we have to get ready to move...and have officially begun the process.  Boxes have already been packed, a moving truck has been reserved, etc. etc. 

To make the next 6 weeks even more interesting, cause that's how we roll, my husband is graduating with his Bachelor's degree.  Yay!!  Of course I am beyond proud and so excited at this accomplishment!!  On the other hand, it brings a whole other list of things to do.  A Graduation party, a ceremony to attend, my parents flying in to support him...lots of stuff...and then we move 800 miles away...4 very short days later!  (Since we are moving back to my neck of the woods, he jokes that if I could, I would be waiting in the Penske truck in the school parking lot, and we'd leave town right after he walks across the stage...so funny!)  We can do this though, we make the best team :)

I have to say that a wave of emotions that I never saw coming have crept into my heart.  I will miss Chicago sooo much.  3 years ago, when we moved here, I came kicking and screaming.  Not really, but almost!  I was excited at what could be, but I missed the D.C. area with a passion.  It's what I know, ya know?  And I missed my family, dogs, and closest friends more than words could ever describe. 

Now, I am realizing that once I embraced our time here (we knew it was a 3-year temporary type of thing), I actually allowed myself to be present in Chicago.  I allowed myself to enjoy our time here.  I was a girlfriend, a fiance, and am now a wife to the most incredible man.  We adopted our first pet together here.  We became a stronger unit, on our own.  We explored the museums, the parks, the food (oops!  I have a few lbs to lose!), and the scenery.  I am going to miss those late-at-night "let's drive down Lake Shore Drive" spur-of-the-moment drives, just to take in the city.  I will miss seeing the film crews in our neighborhood and waiting to see the finished product in the theatres the following year.  I will miss the broadway shows and the festivals.  I will miss Chicago.

I know that we have a lot to look forward in the years to come and that this is best for our future family, but Chicago will always have a very special place in my heart.  It will always be with me.  I will look back fondly and will know that although we have had some rough patches here, Chicago has been very good to us.  I can't wait until we have kids and we can bring them to visit and show them where Mom & Dad used to live.  Hopefully, some of our favorite spots will still be here and they can breathe in this city as we have.

I will close for now.  I have to make this more of a habit (blogging).  I am realizing it can be a bit therapeutic.

Perfectly in transition,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

02.01 recap

As mentioned in my previous "catch-up" post, I promised a re-cap of my "offically in the late-20s birthday."  The Mister had planned the entire day for me.  (This is something that he enjoys doing for me, and what girl wouldn't love the romance in it?!  Well, the control freak in me screams inside, but the helpless romantic has has learned to go with it.) 

He woke me up singing Happy Birthday (adorable) and then handed me 50 bucks.  He had to go to one class that day, but instructed me to get up, get ready, and go get a mani/pedi.  Niiiice!  I kept telling him that the day was going to be cut short because of the predicted weather, but then of course this is Chicago; life still goes on, despite the weather.  He gave me a kiss and was off on his way!

We met up again at about 1PM.  The weather was already getting bad.  (more on that in a future post.)  He picked me up from the nail salon and proceeded to our destination.  We got on Lake Shore Drive and headed Southbound.  (The view from LSD is something that I will terribly miss once we move.  It is so beautiful and magnificent, anytime of day and in any season.)  We got off the exit and I knew where we were headed...promptly exclaiming, "the Shedd Aquarium!!"  I was so excited.  I started talking about the rescued sea turtle that I adore and want to cuddle that lives in the massive tank (learn about her here) and the time that we went with my parents.

And then we tried to park in the parking garage.  DENIED!  There was a scroll sign that read: All museums closed due to *Blizzard!!*  Yes, complete with a bedazzled 'Blizzard.'  All we could do was laugh, cause they weren't going to open it for this birthday girl.

My husband is quick though.  If he couldn't get me next to my sea turtle friend, he'd get me next to the next best thing, given the circumstances.  So we went to the Rainforest Cafe, and sat next to one of their huge tanks.  We made the best of the situation and really had a good time.  The place was practically empty because we were the only idiots out that didn't have to be and we took our sweet time eating and chatting with the waitress who was a doll.

Once we finished, we played with the idea of going to a movie, but decided to head home since the snow was falling at 4 inches per hour.  We grabbed a redbox movie and snuggled on the couch the rest of the evening <3  It was quite nice to just take it all in and celebrate my first married birthday.  I feel so blessed to spend every.single.birthday with this man for the rest of my life.

**Side note:  Since the plans got ruined, my birthday was celebrated throughout the month, since Sergio later took me to the places he had planned that day (i.e. the movies, dinner at my fav tapas restaurant, etc.).  It was good to be me in February :)

Perfectly ready for another year,

Monday, February 28, 2011

Vanishing Act

Hello again!  I am so sorry that I went a bit M.I.A. for a minute.  I've had a number of things going on good and bad that I have been taking care of and quite frankly, haven't had the energy to blog.  Here's a quick synopsis:

--The hubby is back in school, full force.  He's in his last semester as an undergrad student and I couldn't be a prouder wife :)  You see, I have been his biggest support since he started taking classes and have seen how hard he has worked to better himself.  He's such a great guy that is always striving higher and higher.  I know that he does this for himself, for us, and our future child[ren].  Love you hun!

--My mouth is pretty much healed.  Every so often, something will hurt back there, but no complaints overall really.  I've gotten used to my "new mouth" and it feels more natural back there, not too much of that "something's missing" feeling anymore.

--I've started a new "project", if you will.  It takes up a significant amount of my time, but it's something that I am not going to discuss here for now.  Just know that it's keeping me busy, getting my arse outta the house, and I'm getting some wonderful experience being a housewife/stay at home mommy.  *snaps for practicing*

--My birthday was a lot of fun, in a totally not go out on the town-type of way.  We got snowed in.  Like, forreal.  Snowcapalyse in Chicago happened on my birthday.  The wonderful and thoughtful husband had planned the entire day for me (more on that later) and all but ONE thing had to be rescheduled...because Chicago was shut DOWN.  I will do a post soon on what we ended up doing.

--We have begun the packing process for the move back to the East Coast.  Very exciting, but kinda depressing at the same time.  I will definitely be speaking of this on the blog because these feelings have slapped me in the heart face and none of us saw them coming!  Nonetheless, packing/moving tips are always appreciated :)

I think that clears up some of the reason why I haven't been blogging, but I promise I will make so much more of an effort.  Even though this little adventure is new, I did miss the outlet.

Perfectly trying to juggle life,

Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting Giddy!

Following my "week of pain" a.k.a. Bloody Hell, I am back!  Now for a yucky detail that I am proud of myself for.  (If you get grossed out, you might want to skip ahead.) 

I pulled out one of my stitches.  Ewww!!  It had started to come out and was getting caught in the back of my mouth between the two rows of teeth, causing me more discomfort than anything.  It was Thursday morning, like really morning, about 1AM and I got so frustrated, I figured I'd take a look back there and see if I could help the cause.  Well, once I caught the little sucker, I barely tugged and out it came.  My husband thought I was crazy!  It was sore, but more comfortable, if that makes sense. 

Anyways, when I told the doctor at my one-week post-op he wasn't too upset and took the other stitches out for me.  He said to take it easy for the next few weeks and that I should be healed in about a month.  I've already noticed a difference in my comfort level, but yeah, it reminds me a few times a day like when I try to eat or talk for too long! 

End gross-out.
And since things have calmed down in my mouth, I feel like I have a better hold on everything else going on...liiiiike my birthday tomorrow!!  My birthday is one of my absolute favorite days of the year, or quite possibly, my actual favorite day of the year.  Literally.  It is thisclose to Christmas in my eyes.  And I have a wonderful family that treats it as such!

My parents still make a big deal about it, yes, even for a woman that will be in her late-20s.  In fact, I have a package that I got a few days ago that's just sitting, just waiting, for that special day to roll around so I can open it.  (They sent it early to make sure it got here in time and to torture me while I wait for the day that I am allowed to open it.  My mother even made sure to let my husband know, that she let me know, that I can't open it until my birthday...redic!)  Can't wait to see what's inside!

My brother and SIL sent me a really sweet card with an awesome Victoria's Secret gift card inside!  (They let me open things early, unlike said parents!)  I love Vicki's Secret, but hate spending money on myself since we're newlyweds saving for a house, another car when we move, etc. but my SIL has advised me to have different "weapons" in my "arsenal" when it comes to bedroom attire.  I am sure that my hubby will enjoy this gift as much as I enjoy picking something out!

So, I don't know what is in store for me tomorrow.  My husband has planned the day out and I have to just go with it.  He has done things like this quite a few times before (read: so romantic), but I am afraid that Mother Nature will have an objection tomorrow.  We are supposedly going to be in the worse blizzard since 1967...and I hate Chicago winters hence one of the reasons we are moving.  Lucky me, this will all go down on my birthday, but it's okay.  Change what you cannot accept, accept what you cannot change...right?  We went grocery shopping yesterday and stocked up.  If we end up getting snowed in together and eating cream-cheese filled poppers all day, then that'll be okay too.  I'll just have to push my mani/pedi (the one thing I know about scheduled for tomorrow) back to later in the week.  That is something I am sooo looking forward to.

Perfectly smiling ear to ear today,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bloody Hell

I know I've been MIA for a bit, but! I have a good reason!  I had surgery on my gumline on Friday. 

Yup, Ouch!

Basically, part of my gum line had to be removed (read: dug out...literally) from where I got my wisdom teeth removed as a teen and my gum decided to bully (i.e. start growing) over my farthest back tooth. 

I've got stiches, Vicodin, and a frustrated little body that is tired of doing nothing.  And OMG!  I just want to eat something with substance.  I've basically had mashed potatoes, Stouffer's mac 'n cheese, and oatmeal for about 4 days.  It's getting old. 

Gotta say that my husband has been a trooper.  He has been an awesome nurse, making me as comfortable as he possibly can.  Thanks, babe!

So I will be back soon.  Just give me a minute to heal a little more!

Perfectly legally dizzy,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Jack Dawson

Titanic.  One of the greatest films of all time.  Sometimes cheesy, but what love story isn't?!

The movie came out when I was about 13 or 14, if my memory serves me correctly.  I saw it, along with every.other.person.on.the.planet.  Let's face it.  The amount of money this movie has made is ridiculous.  But I am not here to talk about money.  I'm here to talk about the emotion in this movie.  Emotion that I didn't quite grasp in my early teens.

I get it now.  I can really understand now how Jack and Rose love each other.  And as cliché as this is...I see my husband and myself in these characters.
My husband come from very different backgrounds.  Different races.  Different culture.  Different social class.  The list goes on.  But it's all okay.  There are challenges that come with this, but we find and focus on the positives.

I am more of a free-spirit, he definitely has more self-structure.  Is that a word?!  He's also the problem-solver/thinker.  When a crisis arises and I start to panic, he's so collected and already has a plan in motion.  I always call him my calm in life's storms.

My husband is a drawer/painter.  I love to be a model for art.  No naked pictures to speak of...yet...

My husband has helped me appreciate the non-materialistic things in life more.  No I was not a priviledged, spoiled little brat.  I do love Coach bags, but I know that spending money on a memory is a much better investment.  It's the everyday things in life that are most important.  I knew that before, but I live it now.

My husband believes in me, without any doubt.  He is my cheerleader, always pushing me to improve myself.  Physically, emotionally, mentally...he encourages me to be a better me. 
Now, granted some of these are not "exclusive" to only us.  I am sure that other people could relate to some or all of these characteristics.  But I wanted to give you a sample of "us" in "them."

Sergio is my Jack Dawson.  He is my hero.  He is my lead actor.  He is the one who inspires me.  He is my love.  He is my everything. 

We acknowledge our differences and embrace our similarities.  We love hard and passionately.  We fight for each other.  We fight for us.  We beat the odds and the haters.  We make our marriage our #1 priority.  We think of the other one.  We make the best of sucky situations and inject humor whenever possible.  We are an example to our friends.  We are...perfectly....imperfect...and that's perfect to me.

So I challenge you all.  Go out there today and LOVE your LOVE (gf/bf, fiancé, spouse, sig other).  Love like in the movies.  Love like you only have today.  Love like you want to be loved.  Love deep enough you can't describe it.  "Love someone and mean it." (-C.S.) 

Perfectly "Never let[ting] go",

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

daaaa BEARS

I realized that I hadn't told you all about where I lived for sake of privacy cause there are weirdos out there but I think that I live in a big enough city that I don't think said wierdos could easily find me. Plus, we've had some wonderful memories in this beautiful city that I'd like to share :)

Since we made the move here, we have done a ton of things around the city. People who have lived here their whole life have siad we have done in almost three years than they have done their entire life. But that's what we wanted. We knew our time here was limited so we wanted to live it up! Now, the countdown is on until we move and a bucket list has been composed and seems to get longer every few days.

My husband is a huge fan of Chicago sport teams. All of them. He was raised and grew up in the south suburbs. Cubs, Sox, Blackhawks, etc...he reps them all. Insert the bucket list. We have been to Cubs games, Sox games, a Blackhawks game (3rd row from the ice thank you very much) but never to a Bears game. He loooooves DA BEARS. So, shortly after our wedding, I got the bright idea to buy tickets to this season. After realizing the crazy prices of said games, I came across another idea. Comcast sponsors a Family Night each year for [wait for it] 8 bucks a person. SCORE! I knew he'd be happy.  You basically get to see the players come out in groups and watch their first practice.  By no means as exciting as a game, but hey, I got him in the stadium didn't I?

Before you enter the stadium, there is a long wall with the different military emblems.  It's really beautiful.  I, of course, had to have a picture with the USMC emblem.  I was raised by a Marine and I married one!

This is a radio DJ here in Chicago, Julian, from B96.  Crazy cause he used to do the late night show in the D.C. metro area, which is where I am from.  He was jealous to hear I get to move back soon!

 Now a few shots from the inside...

Soldier's Field is beautiful.  It is gigantic, but there's a spirit there that is very intimate.  

This was when they were annoucing some players.  They bring them out by "lines." 

This was in the garden I wasn't suppose to be in on the side roof of the Field Museum.  We were walking through the museum campus to get back to the El and I couldn't resist this picture.  Sorry it isn't the best quality.  My camera was dead dying and we didn't have time to change the setting.

We had a great time at Family Night even though we didn't have a stroller to cram into the back of innocent bystanders ankles. Seriously though, it was fun seeing the kids all done up in the team paraphernalia.
Yes, I had this cool dude's Dad's permission :)

Perfectly wishing we could live in Chicago every summer,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Post Secret

Every Sunday morning, I wake up and head straight for my laptop.  I am in love with a project called Post Secret. 

Quick summary from Wikipedia
PostSecret is an ongoing community mail art project, created by Frank Warren, in which people mail their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. Select secrets are then posted on the PostSecret website, or used for PostSecret's books or museum exhibits. 

When I had first heard of Post Secret it was pretty much just an interesting concept.  But once I had loyally  checked out the site a few weeks in a row, I was hooked.  Anyone from anywhere can write down their deepest, darkest, most crippling secret and then {sigh} release it.  When people put their secret in the mail, it's like they let it go.  They allow themselves to relieve themselves of the guilt or embarrassment that they are carrying around.  We are all these people.  We all have secrets.  We all have things that not everyone knows about us.  Whether it's on purpose or not.  They None of us are ever completely alone.

Another awesome aspect of Post Secret is that it's a huge supporter of suicide prevention.  They have paired up with a helpline to offer support to those in need.  1-800-Helpline has gained tremedous respect and been given many "shout-outs" from readers who have called in for help.

To check out an archive of postcards, you can go here.  Otherwise, check out the Post Secret site.  Every Sunday, you get a new batch of postcards.  You get a chance to remind yourself that your perfect co-worker we all have things we struggle with, no matter how well things are going.

Perfectly right there with ya!,

Can't Hold It Against Me

Those that know me in the 'real' world know that I love to dance.  Whether in a studio, in my living room, in da club, or my car like no one is looking.  I like all types of music, but some of my favorite artists give me the tunes that I can groove to.  Insert:  Britney Spears. 

I am not here to say that her voice is fantastic by any means, but I will say that her music makes my rump move.  Her lyrics do not bring enemies together, but the beats give me the variety to feel like I am in my own music video.  I am a Britney fan.  There.  I said it. 

Are you done laughing?!  It's okay, I'll wait.

When she had her whole I am going to shave my head and talk with an English accent phase, I took a step back, but I didn't lose hope.  I was the only person, in my circle of people, that could feel that she'd come back after all the craziness.  Well, I was right.  She released an album, sold out shows galore, earned her little 'Pop Princess' title back.  Good job, Brit.

But this morning, I wake to her new single...released a day early.  Not that I was waiting.  I just wanted to see the direction of this new album.  My review of this new song:

Not impressed.  It's definitely got a beat.  A techno beat.  I can't stand techno.  It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to my ears.  The 14-year-old that is in my heart holding a portable CD player, not an ipod is hoping that this next album is not a disappointment. 

I have to give her and her team credit on something though.  They definitely fought tooth and nail to keep the song under wraps until they were ready to release it.  Yay for keeping that old-school, guys.  Now...lose the techno and leave that for the awful remixes.

Perfectly hoping for more,

Friday, January 7, 2011

Birthday Babe

I love the idea of birthdays!  Every person gets one month day a year that is all theirs.  We go big on birthdays in our house. 

Happy Birthday to my Mister Mister!!

I know this blog is new, but I wanted to take a minute and share with you all how amazing my husband is :)

  • My husband is every woman's dream man.
  • My husband is kind, gentle, romantic, and charming.
  • My husband is unconditionally supportive.
  • My husband is romantic - in big & little ways.
  • My husband knows the little things in life matter most.
  • My husband is loyal and stands up for others.
  • My husband is so calming - especially when life gets crazy.
  • My husband is honest and does the right thing.
  • My husband is funny and can always make me laugh.
  • My husband is beyond patient.
  • My husband loves life and helps me appreciate our everyday adventures.
  • My husband is the person I strive to be.

Sergio, you are such a blessing to anyone that knows you.  I feel so lucky to be your wife.

Today, I celebrate you.

Perfectly making a BIG deal out of my husband today,

No excuses! No explanations!

My husband and I just finished watching 'Julie and Julia' on Netflix.  This movie came out awhile ago and I never had the urge to watch it until last night. 

We were out to dinner with two of our best friends, another couple, whom we will refer to as M (the lady) and E (the gentleman).  I don't even have the slightest clue as to how the movie came up, but before I could blink, the VERY different reviews came blurting out of both their mouths...typical...and a true example of why we love them!!

E looked me striaght in the eye and with complete conviction let me know that there was no plot and absolutely no point to the movie.  M briefly told me the point and that it was a cute movie.  She then suggested that my husband and I watch it because she thought that we would find it interesting.  She was right.

This post is not a review because it was not one of those 'life-changing, OMG! You have to see this' type of movies.  It was simply a nice, relaxing 2-hour block of time we spent cuddled on the couch.  There was a quote that I did find to be empowering though...

"No excuses!  No explanations!"

This is something my husband has desperately tried to get me to practice in my own life.  You see, I used to be somewhat of a push-over in certain aspects of my life.  I let friends walk all over me.  I let employers take advantage of me.  I let my voice go unheard.  And you know that children's book with the apologizing monkey?  The one where he's always saying, "Oh, I'm sorry" to everyone and everything.  Yup, that is was me.

And I know I am not alone.  I feel like as a woman in our society, we are programmed to apologize, even when we are not at fault, just to smooth things over.  We try to keep the peace.

Fortunately for me, I have a husband that has helped build up my self-esteem and encouraged me to speak up for myself.  He's taught me that I don't have to give anyone an excuse for anything.  He's taught me that I don't owe an explanation to anyone.  He's helped me...be me. 

The quote in the movie was a nice reminder that I don't have to apologize for being myself.  I am who I am.  I like who I am.  No excuses and no explanations needed.

Have any of you seen this movie?  Did the quote hit you in the same way?  Do you have anyone that has helped your inner voice speak up?

Perfectly Content,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Free Organize in Style Coupon Book

The thrill of getting a good deal can make my day.  When I can get something for free that I will actually use...?  I'm in heaven! 

I have grown fond of checking out Heather's Clearance Chick periodically because she is always on the hunt for deals and she is kind enough to share with everyone!  Here's one I woke up to ths morning...

Be sure to get your free coupon book - $35 in savings!  It's promised to be full of coupons and tips for organizing your home.

Now get to those NY resolutions - I am sure many of you have set goals of saving money and/or getting organized!

Perfectly Loving Free Stuff,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

HNY 1.1.11

I wanted to start this year off with a bang and with much enthusiastic pressure from a very dear friend, Becky over at Love Everyday Life, here I am.  My first blog.  Be patient as I start this journey :)

Perfectly Learning,