Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tis the Season!

I was totally NOT feeling the Christmas spirit this season.  We've had a tough trying last few weeks, personally and in support of some of our very best friends.  By no means is that a complaint, but just an acknowledgement that we have a lot on our plate.  I think a lot of people do lately.

This past weekend was good for me.  It was crazy busy, but I got some good for the soul time with a number of loved ones.  Although the time was limited, it was still time and totally worth the effort.  On Thursday [Thanksgiving] morning, we loaded up the car and made our first trip to visit my brother and SIL in PA.  It was so nice to see their house and to meet their new additions (2 new kittens) for the first time.  The next morning at 5AM, my mother and I drove to Boston to see my maternal grandmother and the extended family.  It was so nice to surprise her--she had no idea!  The following morning, we made our way back to PA for the night.  On Sunday morning, we ate breakfast, spent a little family QT together, and then made our way back to VA.  Busy, right?!

Seeing the family and the talk of Christmas coming up really put me in the spirit.  As I look at our calendar, December is filled with some very happy occasions--a baby shower, a cookie exchange (yummy!), a Grad party & Graduation, planned dates with the hubby, etc.  And of course, we need to squeeze in some holiday shopping and crafts!!  I've got classes ending and doctors appointments to attend.  The list is never-ending! It's gonna be busy, but it'll be worth it!

I am sooooo excited to say that this year we are going to do our first 'family photo Christmas' card.  When I was younger, I thought they were kinda cheesy, but now I get it!  I'm older and I appreciate the effort to stay in touch with loved ones.  This is a special year for us--a bit personal to share just yet--and we are looking forward to people getting their cards.  We have a certain theme in mind--and we're having a photoshoot this Saturday!  I have a dear friend that is a photographer and she has offered to spend a little time with us to get the shots we want.

Do you do family pictures on your Christmas cards?  I see this as the gateway to one day throwing in the Christmas letter...am I on my way to that?!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Guess who's back / back again!

Allllright!  It has been a MIN-UTE since I've visited my blog! 

We got busy
We moved...twice.  (One was half way across the country.)
We've had a few too many sad passings to grieve.
I went back to school.  6-week and 8-week classes are the devil!
The mister got an awesome job that he is really enjoying.
We've done some traveling.
We've connected again with old friends and made new ones!
We've fought a few medical issues.

...to name just a few things we've grown from since forever ago April.

So, in case you were wondering, I'm back!  And I am going to really try this time with this little corner of the world.  I'm not going to delete my old posts, because it shows my beginning this, but I'm not going to dwell on the fact that I didn't show the pictures I promised.  Maybe they'll show up in later posts when I think of our time in Chicago.  Hmmm, bear with me as I decide what I want my header to say!

Here we go!  Let's toast to fresh starts!

Perfectly back!,