Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm Not Dead Yet

Gotta love the P!nk Reference in the title, huh?!  I love her music and her "take me as I am or back the F off" attitude.  No, this post is not about one of my favorite chicks.  It's just been a minute since you have heard from me [again.  sorry!].

I still want to share some photos from February (i.e. my birthday/the Chicago blizzard), but I can't seem to find the camera cord.  I'm hoping it hasn't been packed yet.  Speaking of which...

Our life has been cRaZy lately...and it's only going to get crazier.  We have stopped saying we have to get ready to move...and have officially begun the process.  Boxes have already been packed, a moving truck has been reserved, etc. etc. 

To make the next 6 weeks even more interesting, cause that's how we roll, my husband is graduating with his Bachelor's degree.  Yay!!  Of course I am beyond proud and so excited at this accomplishment!!  On the other hand, it brings a whole other list of things to do.  A Graduation party, a ceremony to attend, my parents flying in to support him...lots of stuff...and then we move 800 miles away...4 very short days later!  (Since we are moving back to my neck of the woods, he jokes that if I could, I would be waiting in the Penske truck in the school parking lot, and we'd leave town right after he walks across the funny!)  We can do this though, we make the best team :)

I have to say that a wave of emotions that I never saw coming have crept into my heart.  I will miss Chicago sooo much.  3 years ago, when we moved here, I came kicking and screaming.  Not really, but almost!  I was excited at what could be, but I missed the D.C. area with a passion.  It's what I know, ya know?  And I missed my family, dogs, and closest friends more than words could ever describe. 

Now, I am realizing that once I embraced our time here (we knew it was a 3-year temporary type of thing), I actually allowed myself to be present in Chicago.  I allowed myself to enjoy our time here.  I was a girlfriend, a fiance, and am now a wife to the most incredible man.  We adopted our first pet together here.  We became a stronger unit, on our own.  We explored the museums, the parks, the food (oops!  I have a few lbs to lose!), and the scenery.  I am going to miss those late-at-night "let's drive down Lake Shore Drive" spur-of-the-moment drives, just to take in the city.  I will miss seeing the film crews in our neighborhood and waiting to see the finished product in the theatres the following year.  I will miss the broadway shows and the festivals.  I will miss Chicago.

I know that we have a lot to look forward in the years to come and that this is best for our future family, but Chicago will always have a very special place in my heart.  It will always be with me.  I will look back fondly and will know that although we have had some rough patches here, Chicago has been very good to us.  I can't wait until we have kids and we can bring them to visit and show them where Mom & Dad used to live.  Hopefully, some of our favorite spots will still be here and they can breathe in this city as we have.

I will close for now.  I have to make this more of a habit (blogging).  I am realizing it can be a bit therapeutic.

Perfectly in transition,

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