Saturday, April 16, 2011

Be the change...

Be the change you want to see in the world.”  --Mahatma Gandhi

How often do you do something nice for someone?  How often do you "Pay It Forward"?

I try to be nice to everyone I meet.  Literally.  People even say to am too nice.  What the hell does that mean anyways?!?  I smile at strangers, open doors for people, help elderly women with their get the point.  Why is it that I find that people of my sort are hard to come by these days??  It's very heartbreaking to think that our society is so self-absorbed that we are not nice anymore just because.

Today is my MIL's birthday...yay MIL!  We took her to lunch with my FIL and BIL.  It is a nice little joint (think family diner) that feeds all kinds of people.  Anyways, as the table next to us got up to leave, they passed us some coupons.  Score!  I love me some coupons. 

Believe it or not, I was surprised.  Within the last few years, I have realized that I am in the "nice people" secret society...and it blew me away that two of us in our secret society were in one place at the same time.  That's just unheard of!  It was a sweet, selfless gesture that was done just to be nice.  And it was nice that they made my day, instead of always being the one making someone else's day.

So here we go.  I challenge YOU!  I want you to do something nice for someone everyday.  Just something small even.  Here are a few easy things to get you started:

-Letting someone cut-in in traffic
-Paying for the guy behind you at the coffee shop
-Giving your leftovers to the homeless person at the red light
-Allowing the elderly person or pregnant woman have your seat on the bus/train/wherever
-Tell someone you like their shoes/shirt/bag/haircut/whatever
-Offer to bring dinner over to a neighbor that is going through a difficult time

You get the idea.  Just do something.  Anything.  Maybe if we start treating each other kindly, we'd be happier people all around.  Then, the grumpy ones would be in the minority.

Be the change you want to see in the world.”  --Mahatma Gandhi

Perfectly put the Gandhi quote in there twice,