Monday, February 28, 2011

Vanishing Act

Hello again!  I am so sorry that I went a bit M.I.A. for a minute.  I've had a number of things going on good and bad that I have been taking care of and quite frankly, haven't had the energy to blog.  Here's a quick synopsis:

--The hubby is back in school, full force.  He's in his last semester as an undergrad student and I couldn't be a prouder wife :)  You see, I have been his biggest support since he started taking classes and have seen how hard he has worked to better himself.  He's such a great guy that is always striving higher and higher.  I know that he does this for himself, for us, and our future child[ren].  Love you hun!

--My mouth is pretty much healed.  Every so often, something will hurt back there, but no complaints overall really.  I've gotten used to my "new mouth" and it feels more natural back there, not too much of that "something's missing" feeling anymore.

--I've started a new "project", if you will.  It takes up a significant amount of my time, but it's something that I am not going to discuss here for now.  Just know that it's keeping me busy, getting my arse outta the house, and I'm getting some wonderful experience being a housewife/stay at home mommy.  *snaps for practicing*

--My birthday was a lot of fun, in a totally not go out on the town-type of way.  We got snowed in.  Like, forreal.  Snowcapalyse in Chicago happened on my birthday.  The wonderful and thoughtful husband had planned the entire day for me (more on that later) and all but ONE thing had to be rescheduled...because Chicago was shut DOWN.  I will do a post soon on what we ended up doing.

--We have begun the packing process for the move back to the East Coast.  Very exciting, but kinda depressing at the same time.  I will definitely be speaking of this on the blog because these feelings have slapped me in the heart face and none of us saw them coming!  Nonetheless, packing/moving tips are always appreciated :)

I think that clears up some of the reason why I haven't been blogging, but I promise I will make so much more of an effort.  Even though this little adventure is new, I did miss the outlet.

Perfectly trying to juggle life,

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